Política de envío

Free Shipping

We offer free shipping to most countries on all orders.

Order Processing

Orders typically ship from our China warehouse within 1-3 business days after payment is received. You will get an email when your order has shipped. Shipping times may be longer during peak sales periods.

Delivery Times

Standard shipping is 7-15 business days.
Priority shipping is 3-7 business days.

Delivery times are estimates and can vary by country. Over 95% of orders arrive within the estimated time frame. Tracking is out of our control once shipped.

Track your Order

Your order can be tracked on the website: https://www.17track.net/en

Import Fees

The recipient is responsible for any applicable import fees or duties not included at checkout, except orders to EU countries where we prepay vat duties. Please do not refuse delivery due to extra fees or we will be unable to offer a refund.

Let us know at support@crushonretro.com if you have any other questions!